Online CPR is not CPR
As a Training Center for the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI), I recently received a voice mail from a woman requesting information about getting CPR certified – on a speedy basis. I returned her call the next morning. She told me that she had just taken an “online CPR course” and was “now certified” so she could begin her new job as a Nanny in a few days. However, online CPR is NOT CPR!
I told her an online class is *not* a real class; without physically utilizing mannequins with a trained Instructor present to monitor correct compressions and breaths, it is *not* a certified class.
She argued that she now had a “real” 3-year certification. 3-year certifications don’t exist in authentic CPR agencies.
I was appalled. These employers believe this woman can save their children in case of emergency. Nothing is further from the truth. She is not trained.
Faking Certification
Recently, our CO legislature passed a bill making it illegal to claim that your dog is a “Service Dog”, if it is not. Service Dogs are highly trained dogs to give their owner mobilization support, retrieve items, emotional support, and more – much more.
Service Dogs wear a jacket (with licensure card in pocket) that allows them to enter buildings, airlines, restaurants, etc.
To pretend that your dog is a service dog is abusive. It can engender doubt in the mind of the public – “is this REALLY a Service Dog?” Of course, the public is also in danger if untrained dogs are entering venues but are not trained for public contact.
Online CPR is not CPR – They are Lying
The Health and Safety Institute (HSI) states on their website that these untruthful online-only companies claim their classes are ‘nationally accepted’. They are NOT.
HSI states further, “No major authentic training program in the United States endorses certification without practice and evaluation of hands-on skills. According to OSHA, “online training alone does not meet their requirements”.
Let’s Clarify Online-Only vs. “Blended”
There IS a difference. All major legitimate agencies now offer an option of “Blended Training”. This means that some class information is done online in advance of the physical skills done face-to-face with an Instructor. The student arrives to class with a print-out of completion and the physical skills are then taught. A Blended class is a great idea. A usual CPR class runs 2+ hours – the Blended class, since part is completed in advance, requires a shortened physical skills session with an Instructor.
What’s the Problem?
There is no nationally accrediting or governing body for emergency care training.
What are some agencies offering authentic training?
- American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) [part of HSI]
- Medic First Aid [part of HSI]
- American Heart Association
- American Red Cross
- National Safety Council
The OSHA website has an article called “Unmasking the Certification Mill Problem” discussing the disservice of lying to people that they can get certified online. The article states: Thomas Glassy, director of the OSHA Directorate of Enforcement Programs, wrote: “Online training alone would not meet the requirements of these training standards. The word ‘train’ is defined as ‘[t]o make proficient with special instruction and practice,’ Webster’s II New Collegiate Dictionary, 1995, p.1, 169. These standards require training in physical skills, such as bandaging and CPR. The only way these physical skills can be learned is by actually practicing them.”
The article also asserts, “The certification mill problem threatens to undermine first aid and CPR education and certification as a whole. Though it is naïve to expect an immediate resolution, the problem requires direct action by employers, training organizations, states, and the federal government.”
Getting Real
Can you learn to ride a horse watching a video?
Can you learn to change a diaper watching a video?
Can you learn to drive a motorcycle watching a video?
Online CPR is NOT CPR
Physical skills require physical involvement.
We must stop accepting bogus online-only classes with their print-your-own certification cards that you get for paying $19 for the class. It’s wrong. It’s fraud. Parents, don’t be tricked!
EasyCPR-Denver.com visit my site for the list of upcoming classes
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Jean Lesmeister, 16 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor
American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
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