Boy calls 911
For the little 6 year old boy in this story, he had been taught the two BIG POINTS:
a) Recognizing an emergency
b) Responding with a 911 call
Those two steps are what it’s all about. The boy calls 911.
Of course, being able to, next, give care in an emergency is so important, as well! But that’s for older people. It’s about getting TRAINED. You are most likely to give care to someone you love, statistically. Until he’s older, for care training, this boy was trained to call.
The stories I’ve been told in 15 years of teaching CPR
I’ve enjoyed teaching Adult CPR & First Aid and Youth Babysitting CPR so very much. Everyone LOVES their people – and teaching people what to do has so much meaning for me. It’s amazing, as I teach class, the stories I’ve heard over these many years. People share family stories of happy endings, not-so-happy endings, brave helpers, amazing coincidences when needed – I love the stories. I’m also an actor and believe, with all my heart, that story-telling is the best way for all of us to learn. I share the stories when it’s applicable to a class situation. It’s a rich flow of humanity, these stories.
And there are stories about really young people!
Yes, I’m teaching an older age group – Adult CPR or Babysitting CPR (age 11+). But, if trained, LITTLE kids, amazingly young kids, are saving lives, too! They’ve been “trained” to utilize 911. They’ve been reassured that there are kind and helpful people who will answer the phone. They’ve been trained to reach out for help to these “nice people” (dispatchers). As you know, THAT’S NOT SMALL! The little child’s ability to use 911 is a big deal! They can access the professionals to come and help. And they can help a family member. In this story, this little boy calls 911 and SAVES a family member – his MOM.
This story is from ABC News about a 6 year old who had been trained to contact 911. Now he still has his MOM!
I hope you enjoy this happy, happy story.
A 6 year old hero!