Sneezing Advice
Of course, it’s normal to sneeze all year round, during every season. However, in the fall of the year, we start thinking about the upcoming flu season. Our own sneezing and people sneezing around us has a higher profile. We’re sensitizing to the upcoming flu season. Which is good! Flu season IS coming! Reminder ourselves of sneezing advice is a great idea.
Let’s stop spreading germs to each other.
Airborne Germs and Viruses
One way we get sick is by inhaling those germs and viruses from the air – called airborne contact. Airborne contact is usually because someone has sneezed. The person who spread the germs into the air may have not been very close to you when they sneezed. They may have left their sneeze behind hours ago – but it’s still in the air for you to inhale, hours and hours later.
Another big germ spreader – our hands! Everyone’s hands have picked up germs from some surface or other and as we touch this, touch that, we are busily spreading those germs about. Common items that many people touch through a day:
- a door knob
- a computer mouse
- a table top
- a chair back
- an elevator button
- rest room stall locks
Sneezing advice – Wash Your Hands!
Stop and think – did you wash your hands before reaching for your lunch sandwich? What IS on your hands?
Stop and think – did you wash your hands before you rubbed your eye? did you lick your finger to turn the page in a book?
From Science Line – “Sneezing is basically ‘nature’s broom,’” says Dr. James Banks, an allergist and immunologist in private practice in Arnold, Md. “It is a way our bodies purge foreign matter that has invaded our noses.”
About sneezing… Did you know you have a “sneeze center”?
From WebMD – Neil Kao, MD, an allergy and asthma specialist at the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville, S.C. states, “Sneezes protect your body by clearing the nose of bacteria and viruses. When something enters your nose or you encounter a trigger that sets off your “sneeze center” in your brain (located in the lower brain stem) signals are rapidly sent to tightly close your throat, eyes, and mouth. Next, your chest muscles vigorously contract, and then your throat muscles quickly relax. As a result, air — along with saliva and mucus — is forced out of your mouth and nose.”
It is believed that a sneeze can come out of your body at 100 miles per hour.
Yes, 100 miles per hour – and drops of saliva can fly out 11 feet and more.
ABC news has made a 2-minute video showing sneezing advice and sneezing information that is great! It’s called “What Is The Best Way to Sneeze?” (may have a short commercial to skip, first) This is GREAT sneezing advice!
You’ll find that YOUR MOM WAS RIGHT – the only way to 100% stop sneeze spray is a handkerchief or tissue. Thanks, Mom! Another great solution if the sneeze is coming NOW and you don’t have time – pull your shirt out and sneeze down inside your shirt. Germs are stopped right there – none out into the community! Good for you.
Jean Lesmeister, 15 year CPR & First Aid Instructor
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