Keep Kids Safe
Having taught CPR, First Aid and Babysitting Safety for 15 years, I have been told sooooo many stories from students of all ages of what they experienced within their families. It’s amazing – the 6 year old nephew who… the 35 year old uncle who… the time the baby… the toddler who climbed up…
I always commend my students, any age, for getting trained. Accidents can happen so very quickly, so unexpectedly. Especially with children it seems you “just looked away” for a moment.
It happened so quickly… Climbing Danger
One youth student shared that he’d broken a piggy bank as a small boy and then proceeded to eat $3.25 worth of quarters before his father came upon him – off to the doctor! Another young student shared that she methodically put small beads into her ear canal, thinking it was adding jewelry to herself – jewelry like mommy – off to the doctor! And let’s not forget how many little kids shove peanuts up their noses…
But there are tragic stories, too. Too many little climbers pull furniture over onto themselves because they tried to climb up – and they are killed by the crashing furniture.
It’s always great to have reminders and tips for staying safe and I’m happy to recommend the website of Children’s Hospital Colorado . It’s a great hospital – and on their website they link to another great agency, Safe Kids Denver. Visit their site when you’re sipping a cup of coffee to get a safety reminder – you may be glad you did. These tips are not just helpful for you, but can be shared with your babysitter or nanny or relatives and friends.
Please get trained
Keep kids SAFE. And, if you haven’t taken CPR/choking skills class, ever – please get trained. If it’s been a while since you took a class – please renew. There are changing protocols as medical directors continue to work towards more of the public being trained and dispensing with complex class curricula.
I teach EasyCPR-Denver. No more written tests – how intimidating written tests are! No more stressful observation-testing of the skills – oh, dear. My class is focused, friendly, with humor. (Adding chuckles to a class makes retention skyrocket – and that’s the objective!)
Jean Lesmeister Denver, CO
Maybe a head and neck injury?
Accidents happen so quickly. We all do the best we can to PREVENT accidents by removing dangerous items, keeping a close watch on little children, to name a few. A head and neck injury is one of the scariest. What a fragile part of the body! Next, the best thing we can do is be ready to RESPOND to accidents, should they occur – and that means get TRAINED.
Head and neck injuries can come from accidents that occur from trips, falls, fainting, and collisions.
How might you know there is a head and neck injury?
The American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) states, “When the body suffers a significant force, such as from a high fall, shooting, or motor vehicle crash, serious injury can result, most notably to the spine. Injury to the spinal cord can result in temporary or permanent paralysis or in a life-threatening condition, such as the loss of breathing.
“After the initial injury, movement of damaged spinal bones can result in additional injury to the spinal cord or surrounding tissue. Quickly instruct a responsive person to remain still.
“The lack of obvious injury does not mean that the spine is not injured. If a significant mechanism of injury occurred, it is best to assume a spinal injury exists.”
If in Doubt, Call Them Out – 911 is there for you
In the 15 years I’ve taught Babysitting CPR Classes for youth (11+) – and Adult CPR and First Aid classes, as well – I always urge students, regarding 911, “If in Doubt, Call Them Out“. Very importantly, I remind students that the dispatchers who answer the call are also highly trained and can begin immediate direction, support, and help you calm down. Priceless.
Parents, family, friends, babysitters – stay safe, be careful of head and neck injuries and, yes, get trained! Best wishes!
Jean Lesmeister, CPR/First Aid Instructor
American Safety and Health Institute Training Center, Denver, CO

Boy calls 911
For the little 6 year old boy in this story, he had been taught the two BIG POINTS:
a) Recognizing an emergency
b) Responding with a 911 call
Those two steps are what it’s all about. The boy calls 911.
Of course, being able to, next, give care in an emergency is so important, as well! But that’s for older people. It’s about getting TRAINED. You are most likely to give care to someone you love, statistically. Until he’s older, for care training, this boy was trained to call.
The stories I’ve been told in 15 years of teaching CPR
I’ve enjoyed teaching Adult CPR & First Aid and Youth Babysitting CPR so very much. Everyone LOVES their people – and teaching people what to do has so much meaning for me. It’s amazing, as I teach class, the stories I’ve heard over these many years. People share family stories of happy endings, not-so-happy endings, brave helpers, amazing coincidences when needed – I love the stories. I’m also an actor and believe, with all my heart, that story-telling is the best way for all of us to learn. I share the stories when it’s applicable to a class situation. It’s a rich flow of humanity, these stories.
And there are stories about really young people!
Yes, I’m teaching an older age group – Adult CPR or Babysitting CPR (age 11+). But, if trained, LITTLE kids, amazingly young kids, are saving lives, too! They’ve been “trained” to utilize 911. They’ve been reassured that there are kind and helpful people who will answer the phone. They’ve been trained to reach out for help to these “nice people” (dispatchers). As you know, THAT’S NOT SMALL! The little child’s ability to use 911 is a big deal! They can access the professionals to come and help. And they can help a family member. In this story, this little boy calls 911 and SAVES a family member – his MOM.
This story is from ABC News about a 6 year old who had been trained to contact 911. Now he still has his MOM!
I hope you enjoy this happy, happy story.
A 6 year old hero!
Jean Lesmeister, 15 year CPR/First Aid Instructor
American Safety and Health Institute Training Center, Denver, CO

Crying Baby
When it comes to a crying baby, the Children’s Hospital Colorado notes on its Calm a Crying Baby website:
“Some healthy, normal babies cry up to 4-5 hours a day. It is normal for a baby to cry and it is normal to feel frustrated when he or she won’t stop.”
So…. Wow….
This excellent web site with information and advice about you can do about your crying baby is dedicated to supporting parents and babies and babysitters – and ending Shaken Baby Syndrome. Some website topics include Calm Yourself, How to Soothe a Baby, VIDEOS from doctors and nurses (great!), and the BIG ONE – Make A Plan! If you have set, in advance, what you’re going to do when you’re feeling worn out with the crying, the worry, the confusion trying to figure out what might be wrong – that’s your answer. You have a PLAN. Will you call this relative, that friend, go with the baby for a ride in the car (they can be soothed and fall asleep with the vehicle motion)?
I urge you to visit the site – there is so much information – and support.
As a parent or babysitter you know what they say is true: “Crying can be a mystery and it can stop as quickly as it began.“
Music can be a big help for a crying baby
Children’s Hospital has some lullabies on their site for you to use. They also share, “There are also infant and toddler stations available through online radio options such as Pandora.“
Who knew?
At all costs, let’s Make a Plan and talk to others about this – Let’s stop forever Shaken Baby Syndrome!
Best wishes – stay safe!
Jean Lesmeister, 15 year CPR/First Aid Instructor
American Safety and Health Institute Training Center, Denver, CO
Good Samaritan Stories
I hope you enjoy reading these Good Samaritan stories from the American Safety & Health Institute, reported by ASHI Instructors about people they’ve trained. It’s wonderful to have it reinforced how lives are being saved. You CAN take action that saves a life – until 911 arrives.
In Ashford, CT in 2014, Steve Quinto assisted two family members with his emergency care training. 1) Steve’s sister was choking on some food and had started to turn blue. The quick-thinking brother knew exactly what to do and after an abdominal thrust was able to clear the obstruction. 2) A few months later, Steve’s mother suffered a cardiac arrest while he was visiting with her. He performed compression-only CPR on her for 15 minutes without stopping until EMS arrived and they were able to use a defibrillator to bring her back. “They said if he had not done compressions for that long, she would not have made it! A great job by this man!” says his Instructor.
We’re also celebrating Andrew Tickle,who arrived at the scene of an accident in Maine on August 6, 2014. Andrew explains that a pickup truck had been struck by a tractor trailer, causing the pickup to enter a ditch with the tractor trailer directly above the bed of the pickup. Andrew called 911 and soon law enforcement agents and the fire department arrived. By now, the driver was becoming restless and asked to be assisted in exiting the pickup. Upon the arrival of EMS, all responders worked together to safely extricate the man, using both a neck brace and a back board.
Care until a defribrillator arrives
The last story comes from New Jersey where the husband of Lori Woods went suddenly and unexpectedly into cardiac arrest. Even in this unimaginably stressful situation, Lori kept her wits about her, remembered her training, provided life-sustaining CPR, and called 911. Two police officers rapidly responded and successfully defibrillated her husband.
“He was able to enjoy a real Thanksgiving with his family and now has an internal defibrillator,” says Lori’s Instructor.
All of these Good Samaritan stories are a reminder that getting trained is SO important. When you need to use your training, it will likely be unexpected – and sudden. Your ability to STAY CALM and then take correct ACTION is what it’s all about.
As you can see from some of these stories, “You are most likely to give care to someone you love.”
Get trained!
Jean Lesmeister, Instructor
Certified ASHI Training Center
EasyCPR-Denver. com
Child Climbing Injury
A child climbing injury works out to be this sad report – at least one child dies every two weeks from pulling heavy furniture pieces over onto themselves. The subsequent impact to their skull and body can be fatal. Add the element of how long it takes to find that they are lying injured. That can decrease the potential for survival.
Of course, it is hoped that a child climbing incident will not be fatal – regardless, the falling furniture can certainly cause a child climbing injury! Guard against this sad reality – children like to climb! They are curious!
Child Climbing Injury – INFORMATION!
This excellent Home Safety video offered by the San Francisco Globe shows how easily a child climbing injury can happen, using a child mannequin as the subject. It also offers a very clear guide how to fasten furniture, easily, and avoid this too-common tragedy. Injury is dreadful – death is tragic.
The footage shows a number of different pieces of furniture and how easily the small weight of a child can still pull it over. Little kids like to climb!
I’m attaching a chart that shows, in the home,
what room is most common, what age is most common – and much more.
This chart is from the Neighborhood Safety Network (NSN)
It is recommended that you secure furniture to the wall.
Even better, IKEA offers free furniture securing hardware. That’s so excellent!
Learn more about Ikea’s offer from Mommy Nearest!
Stay safe!
More about Jean, the CPR Training JEANius
Certified Training Center, American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)