Big BAD Cough
So… it’s the flu season?
So, we focus on the flu, right?
Well… wait… let’s focus on something that’s pretty serious – and even fatal for infants.
Whooping Cough.
I hope you will watch the great video about the need to get vaccinated for whooping cough so you aren’t a CARRIER to little kids, yourself.
Big BAD Cough information
A very nice, informative video has been created by the Help Prevent Disease website people to give people more information about Whooping Cough. The video shows that a loving grandmother, holding an infant with love, might still be the person who conveys the Whooping Cough virus. And there’s a remedy! Vaccination.
Of course, this video has focused on grandparents as a way to spread the message – the POINT is that every one of us in the society can be careful about spreading disease to others. They are playing on the wolf, from Little Red Riding Hood, when she says “grandmother, you like different”. You know the story… They’re trying to find a creative way to insert that the presence of a scary virus/disease can be “hidden”. Even a loving grandparent could transmit. “Big Bad Cough” tied to the story of “Big Bad Wolf”.
This website, Help Prevent Disease, directs you to a page called “What IS Whooping Cough?” and “Whooping Cough FAQ’s” and there is an interesting little “test” you can take called True/False Challenge – just FIVE questions – it asks you about Whooping Cough, of course, and you end up getting educated, educated, educated. And THAT’S the key to all health issues, safety issues, prevention issues – get EDUCATED!
Big BAD Cough – an important extra!
This seems a good time to also remind people about coughing and sneezing. Please, please, please COVER it! 100% of the flying projections from your sneeze or cough can be contained by using a handkerchief or tissue. 100%. Yes – ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.
Sneezing into your elbow? SO LIMITED – lots of droplets still splay out many, many feet. Check out my blog about SNEEZING.
If your sneeze sneaks up on you? SNEEZE DOWN YOUR SHIRT! I call it “keep it at home”. You’re not spreading it to others. You’re localizing into your shirt. GOOD FOR YOU!
As always, Stay Safe, Learn More, GET TRAINED!
Best wishes!
Please SHARE this information with your network – THANK YOU!
Jean Lesmeister, 15 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor
American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
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