Crying Baby
When it comes to a crying baby, the Children’s Hospital Colorado notes on its Calm a Crying Baby website:
“Some healthy, normal babies cry up to 4-5 hours a day. It is normal for a baby to cry and it is normal to feel frustrated when he or she won’t stop.”
So…. Wow….
This excellent web site with information and advice about you can do about your crying baby is dedicated to supporting parents and babies and babysitters – and ending Shaken Baby Syndrome. Some website topics include Calm Yourself, How to Soothe a Baby, VIDEOS from doctors and nurses (great!), and the BIG ONE – Make A Plan! If you have set, in advance, what you’re going to do when you’re feeling worn out with the crying, the worry, the confusion trying to figure out what might be wrong – that’s your answer. You have a PLAN. Will you call this relative, that friend, go with the baby for a ride in the car (they can be soothed and fall asleep with the vehicle motion)?
I urge you to visit the site – there is so much information – and support.
As a parent or babysitter you know what they say is true: “Crying can be a mystery and it can stop as quickly as it began.“
Music can be a big help for a crying baby
Children’s Hospital has some lullabies on their site for you to use. They also share, “There are also infant and toddler stations available through online radio options such as Pandora.“
Who knew?
At all costs, let’s Make a Plan and talk to others about this – Let’s stop forever Shaken Baby Syndrome!
Best wishes – stay safe!