
Prevent injury

Put an infant in a box – really

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An Infant in a box – REALLY?

Who would put an infant in a box?   Well, hopefully, new parents in Denver will!

Denver Public Health hopes to soon begin a campaign distributing free baby sleep boxes across the city, a first, modest step in Colorado to help new parents gain access to a simple tool that health experts say could greatly reduce infant mortality.   Please check out this Denver Post article referencing Denver Public Health.

The leading cause of death in infants – that’s birth to age one – is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).    It is believed that this tragic occurrence, happening during their sleep, is likely caused by suffocating due to items in the crib with them   Doctors recommend *nothing* in the crib with an infant.

In this Children’s Hospital of Colorado excellent information about SIDS, there is a long list of things to AVOID so the infant stays safe.   Two of these are:

  • Sleeping on a sofa, adult bed or other soft surface
  • Sleeping in the same bed with someone else, including a parent or sibling (called “co-sleeping” or “co-bedding”)

Infant in a Box.   Yes, really!

infant in a box

Infant in a Box

A small, safe place to sleep – these infant sleep cardboard boxes (used for many years in Europe, already) – are a simple and wonderful solution to the two dangerous situations listed above.

Despite years of research, doctors don’t know why SIDS strikes some infants.     However, we do have accurate numbers of its occurrence.   In Colorado, between 50 and 80 babies have died from SIDS each year since 2004.

Safe sleeping is a goal that every parent – and babysitter – can commit to by following the advice from our excellent Children’s Hospital of Colorado.

Stay Safe!

=============     visit my site for the list of upcoming classes

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Jean Lesmeister, 17 year youth Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

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Help a Choking Child – Babysitters get trained

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Help a Choking Child – Babysitters get trained

The people who choke most often are small children and senior citizens.    So, youth who want to be babysitters, be sure to get trained, first.     Help a choking child, because you’ll know what to do!

I have taught Babysitting CPR classes for 17 years for youth ages 11+.    Training to be a safe Babysitter is so important – but feeling confident as you start babysitting is “worth its weight in gold”, as they say.

Parents Want YOU

As I always say in my class to young students, “parents are looking for YOU because you are a) kind and you are b) trained.”     I am so pleased that parents of prospective babysitters are directing them to my class because I include full CPR in the course.   I urge you to check my website page called “Compare the Classes” – it compares “babysitting” classes that don’t include mannequins and CPR, diapering with dolls, etc.     Take a GOOD class which includes preventing injury,  quality time with children,  first aid, choking skills, diapering/burping, tummy time, shaken baby syndrome – and full CPR.

Little kids choking


Please visit this excellent information site:  for keeping children safe.

When someone is choking it is vital that you  a) recognize the emergency and b) know what action to take.   Safe Kids Worldwide ( states this statistic about choking:

The Hard Facts

Among children treated in emergency rooms for

non-fatal choking incidents, almost 60 percent were food-related.

Overall, 13 percent of cases involved swallowing coins and 19 percent involved candy or gum.


Tips to avoid choking

  • Cut food for toddlers into tiny pieces.   Children under 5 should not eat small, round or hard foods, including pieces of hot dogs, cheese sticks or chunks, hard candy, nuts, grapes, marshmallows or popcorn.
  • Remember to have young kids eat in a high chair or at the table, not while lying down or playing. It is important to supervise your babies when they are eating or playing.
  • Keep small objects out of reach
  • See the world from a child’s point of view. Get on the floor on your hands and knees so that you are at the child’s eye level. Look for and remove small items.
  • Keep small objects such as buttons, beads, jewelry, pins, nails, marbles, coins, stones and tacks out of reach and sight.

Be On the Lookout for Magnets & Batteries

Swallowing toxic items

Parents often don’t know it was swallowed!

Keep small magnets and batteries away from children. Some great information from

These include magnets found in construction sets, children’s toys, refrigerator magnets.    Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect that magnets or batteries have been swallowed. Look for abdominal symptoms, such as pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

Get trained before babysitting – and learn CPR.   Stay Safe!

=====================     visit my site for the list of upcoming classes

Connect with me on my Facebook page to keep receiving these tips!

Jean Lesmeister, 17 year youth Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

Please SHARE this information with your network – THANK YOU!

Distracted Driving Danger

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Distracted Driving Danger

Distracted driving danger is on a deadly rise.

We know for a fact that our brains have difficulty juggling multiple cognitive tasks that demand our attention.    “Juggling multiple cognitive tasks” translates to “You can’t drive and also focus on a voice/text call”.

Cognitive tasks are those needing you to think and process.   For instance you CAN chew gum while performing the cognitive task  of driving because you don’t have to think to chew gum.

It is a myth that “Drivers can Multitask”.   The National Safety Council (NSC) has compiled a massive amount of scientific studies about the brain’s capability, about distracted driving, about perception and reaction times when using a cell phone – even a hands-free situation!

At issue is this statement from the NSC, “Vision is the most important sense we use for safe driving. It’s the source of the majority of information when driving. Yet, drivers using hands-free and handheld cell phones have a tendency to “look at” but not “see” objects. Estimates indicate drivers using cell phones look at but fail to see up to 50 percent of the information in their driving environment.”


distracted driving danger

Using a hands-free cell phone

distracted driving danger

Not using a hands-free cell phone







Texting versus Talking

Although texting is clearly a serious distraction, NSC data show drivers talking on cell phones are involved in more crashes.

Driving while talking on cell phones – handheld and hands-free – increases risk of injury and property damage crashes fourfold.

Distracted Driving Danger, Once Upon a Time

The two leading factors of car crashes for many years was

1) driving inebriated and

2) speeding.   Distracted driving has definitely become number 3) !

Since 1994, which covers the explosion of cell phone users, there have been 737,000 lives lost to motor vehicle crashes.   Seven hundred thirty seven thousand lives.   737,000 lives.

A study done by the Department of Psychology at the University of Utah entitled “A Comparison of the Cell-Phone Driver and the Drunk Driver” stated these findings, “We used a high-fidelity driving simulator to compare the performance of cell-phone drivers with drivers who were legally intoxicated from ethanol….When controlling for driving difficulty and time on task, cell-phone drivers exhibited greater impairment than intoxicated drivers.”

Football Field, the official US Government website for distracted driving danger, overflowing with information about this issue, is a wonderful library to check out.

One of their statements is: “Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.”

DOUBLE Distracted Driving Danger

So there are drivers texting or talking on their cell phones?

Now add how many, many pedestrians, every age, are walking along in a haze as they text, talk or play video games.   They are crossing streets without looking.   They are moving around parking lots, oblivious to cars also moving around the lot, as a few examples.

Here’s a too-common scenario:   a distracted driver strikes a distracted pedestrian.

And it’s growing.

Let’s All Learn About This

The NSC offers excellent online training classes about issues such as:   Defensive Driving, Distracted Driving, Motorcycle Safety, Alive at 25, and more.

A very nice feature is that you can take a free short demo in advance of the class to see if it’s a fit for you.

When you think about it, you are hurtling along in a massive frame of steel – and so is everyone else.   Let’s not collide with each other – or pedestrians – or motorcycles.   Everyone, please, let’s do nothing but drive.  .

Let’s all stay alive!   It’s a community commitment.

======================================     visit my site for the list of upcoming classes

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Jean Lesmeister, 16 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

Please  SHARE  this information with your network – THANK YOU!

Toddlers with Guns

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Toddlers With Guns

Some people are choosing to own guns.   So, there are guns in their home.     On the tragic rise is toddlers with guns – because people are NOT safely storing their guns.

Little kids are getting killed.   Little kids are killing.   Because they FOUND THE GUN!

Of course, little kids don’t know the danger of a gun but only have seen them fired on TV – you just point it and shoot, right?

So they do.   At their little sister.   At their mom.   At anyone.

This a story about a 2 year old in the car’s back seat who reached under the driver’s seat, located a gun and then shot his mother – and killed her, as she drove.   Embedded in this Washington Post article are links to more and more stories of small children shooting others with guns.    It’s on the rise.     Read each tragic story.    It’s happening.    This article, alone, references at least four incidents.

This Denver Post article, dated May 1, 2016 is entitled, “Toddlers Have Shot 23 People in the U.S. This Year“.


Toddlers With Guns.   WHO leaves guns where tiny people can find them?

access drawer 1

Finding a gun in a                   drawer

Child in a Boat With No Life Jacket.     SERIOUSLY?

I grew up in MN, land of 10,000 lakes, where there are lots and lots and lots of boat and swimming activities.    Regardless the many responsible parents, there were/are continual stories of drownings because a boat overturned and the little kids did not have on life jackets.   What is more obvious than a life jacket on a child when in a boat?     Equally, what is more OBVIOUS than storing your gun somewhere completely safe?

access drawer 2

What’s THAT in this                          drawer?

I’ve been teaching Babysitting Safety/CPR to youth age 11+ for 16 years, now.   Only recently have I begun to add to class this piece of advice, “I recommend you talk to your parents about if the babysitting home has a gun somewhere and is it SAFELY stored?”   I want no one to get hurt with a gun – but a young babysitter may not be aware of the potential danger to their own life.    I never thought to add this warning until teaching classes now, in 2016.   It’s a real issue.   And how utterly stupid that it’s happening at all!

Good Golly Miss Molly…

=====================     visit my site for the list of upcoming classes

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Jean Lesmeister, 16 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

Please SHARE this information with your network – THANK YOU!


Tummy Time babysitting tips

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Tummy Time babysitting tips

Tummy Time babysitting tips definitely help youth babysitters keep an infant safe.     And these safety reminders from medical experts are great reminders for parents, too!

At issue is that an infant enjoying tummy time must be continually supervised.    They must be watched in case they begin to fall asleep.    An infant sleeping on their stomach is of instant concern, a safety issue regarding the tragedy of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Since 1992 when the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)  began to educate the public about how SIDS happens and the best advice on how to avoid a little infant suffering SIDS,  the incidence of SIDS has decreased by 50%.

While that is encouraging news, SIDS remains the leading cause of death in young infants.        It is vital to remember that infants must sleep on their backs, which is why the AAP implemented the “Back To Sleep” campaign; namely, sleep on the back.

tummy time baby

Tummy Time helps me get strong!

What are some great Tummy Time babysitting tips?

Dr. Jay L. Hoecker of Mayo Clinic recommends “at least 20 minutes of tummy time a day”.    The infant can lay on a blanket on the floor with some little toys close by to stimulate activity.   Dr. Hoecker states, “The more time babies spend on their tummies, the earlier they might begin to roll over, crawl on their stomachs, crawl on all fours and sit without support”.   They are developing muscles in their head and neck, shoulders and legs.   It’s all good!

Another great tip comes from the WEBMD site.     They recommend “move to the level” of the infant.  “Getting down on the ground and doing face-to-face encouragement will reassure a baby that he can did it and it’s OK”.

Use plastic mirrors.   A little infant might enjoy lifting her head (developing those muscles!) to look at their reflection in the mirror.   Lots of fun!

Involve a sibling.   Engaging the older child to join in the fun is a great idea for both ages.    As I remind my babysitting class students, two great rules when babysitting are

a) prevent injury and b) stay in the same room with the children.    Tummy time is a safe time for everyone.

Sing or tell a story so everyone enjoys themselves.   I urge my babysitting students to explore their own talent, their own creativity.    Can you tell the story or sing the song with “flair”?   Pull out your acting talent!

Never leave an infant alone during Tummy Time.

tummy time baby 2

Tummy Time makes me happy!

Not Too Hot – Tummy Time babysitting tip  states this advice, “Make sure your baby does not get too warm while sleeping.   Some researchers suggest that a baby who gets too warm could go into a deeper sleep, making it more difficult to awaken”.    Again, the issue is SIDS.

Extra tips for parents

Pacifiers also have been linked to a lower risk of SIDS.

Having the infant sleep in the same room with the parents (but not the same bed) has also shown to reduce the risk of SIDS.

Does the parent smoke?   Oh, no…   Exposure to secondhand smoke doubles a baby’s risk of SIDS.


The family dog might help tummy time be fun!

Click on this YOU TUBE clip for a gentle look at dog and infant together


As always, STAY SAFE!

===========================     visit my site for the list of upcoming classes

Connect with me on my Facebook page to keep receiving these tips!

Jean Lesmeister, 15 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

Please SHARE this information with your network – THANK YOU!


Arvada clerk reaches baby as mom collapses

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Alert clerk reaches baby as the mother collapses

It’s always about Recognizing an Emergency.   Recognizing an Emergency is the first step, the bottom line, the moment that sets helping and first aid in motion.   Because this clerk reaches baby in time, is alert, sees that there is an urgency, a possible emergency, she truly is a “first responder“!

A clerk in a Arvada, CO store noticed that a mother holding her baby was beginning to look unwell, to look glazed.    Alert, kind and recognizing an emergency, the clerk reached to hold the baby even as the mother, indeed, collapsed.

This is a beautiful story of a woman offering help, another woman receiving help – as well as a baby!   The clerk took action and kept the baby from possibly being injured when it appeared something was wrong with the mother.    Without being pulled from the mother’s arms, the baby could have fallen to the floor, could have been injured, could have suffered a head injury – any number of things.


clerk reaches baby

Clerk reaches baby in time!

Recognize an Emergency – Clerk reaches baby

The Denver Post reported on  this incident – read the article.   Though it is a short article, that does not diminish how important this moment actually was.    This moment was about the BIG THING – to Recognize an Emergency.    Action can then follow…

When alert people recognize an emergency, the system can commence for care.    911 can be called.   First aid can be commenced.    Our excellent EMS (Emergency Medical Services) system kicks into gear – 911 call to Dispatch who relays everything to Responders – they’re on the way.

It is wonderful that there is even VIDEO of this experience!    The clerk is alert, takes action – and immediately calls out for help, calls 911 –  just as it should be.

In the 15 years of teaching CPR, Babysitting CPR (youth 11+), First Aid, the first part of the training is focused on the important element of Recognizing an Emergency.   YOU can be the one who sees the problem and gets help on the way.   While you may call for help for anyone in the community, it is still true that you are most likely to give care – and call for help – for someone you love, someone you spend a lot of your time with – family and friends!

Every story about people helping others, helping if someone is choking, is unwell, loses consciousness, is a beautiful thing.   It inspires trainers like myself to, yes, keep training – and to urge everyone to GET trained!     Stay safe.

=====================     visit my site for the list of upcoming classes

Connect with me on my Facebook page to keep receiving these tips!

Jean Lesmeister, 15 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

Please  SHARE  this information with your network – THANK YOU!



Holiday Pet Safety Tips

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Usually I blog about human safety since, for 15 years, I’ve been an Instructor of CPR, youth Babysitting CPR classes, and First Aid.    But, this Holiday Season, it’s very timely to renew a few tips about your PETS and keeping them safe.

Holiday Pet Safety Tips – Prevention is always the best!

At this time of year, there are more things for your pet to chew on, explore and play with.    Yikes.    The Health and Safety Institute has offered a recent blog with great tips from pet professionals.

The new presence in the living room of extension cords can be very dangerous – your animal might bite down on the cord and suffer a huge electrical jolt.   They might eat any number of bad things – treats left out, poison holly/ivy plants, stagnant water in the tree base if you have a natural holiday tree – and more.


New Things to Chew at the Holiday Season!

The Health and Safety Institute borrowed great advice from the ASPCA about Holiday Pet Safety Tips, as well as Veterinarian advice from a college of veterinary medicine.

Holiday Pet Safety Tips – Holiday Stress for Pets as well as Humans

This time of year is full of music, parties, banquets, visiting relatives, loud noises, loud laughter – all the FUN STUFF.   But that fun stuff, for you, may not be at all fun for your pet.    Check out these stress-free tips for your pet.

Personally, I’ve experienced being present in a home when the cat bit down on an electrical cord from under the Christmas tree.    It was a frightening and abrupt thrashing under the tree, the poor cat being bludgeoned with electricity.    The cat survived but was clearly suffering a disability, ever after.

I recently visited a home where the dog was aggressive to visitors, barking often, barking loudly.  I wondered if this season for that family would remain a safe one…

I also recently witnessed a gathering where two owners had brought their dogs with them – and were enjoying conversation with each other – when suddenly the dogs exploded into aggression with each other.   It was sudden and terrifying and one dog was injured.    Will people be bringing their pets to other homes, other sites, for the holidays?

Of course the adage applies – Better Safe Than Sorry.

Have a lovely and safe Holiday SeasonYou AND your pets!


Jean Lesmeister, 15 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

Please SHARE this information with your network – THANK YOU!

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Big Bad Cough – oh, dear…

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Big BAD Cough

So… it’s the flu season?

So, we focus on the flu, right?

Well… wait… let’s focus on something that’s pretty serious – and even fatal for infants.

Whooping Cough.

I hope you will watch the great video about the need to get vaccinated for whooping cough so you aren’t a CARRIER to little kids, yourself.


Big BAD Cough information

A very nice, informative video has been created by the Help Prevent Disease website people to give people more information about Whooping Cough.    The video shows that a loving grandmother, holding an infant with love, might still be the person who conveys the Whooping Cough virus.    And there’s a remedy!   Vaccination.

Of course, this video has focused on grandparents as a way to spread the message – the POINT is that every one of us in the society can be careful about spreading disease to others.    They are playing on the wolf, from Little Red Riding Hood, when she says “grandmother, you like different”.   You know the story…   They’re trying to find a creative way to insert that the presence of a scary virus/disease can be “hidden”.  Even a loving grandparent could transmit.   “Big Bad Cough” tied to the story of “Big Bad Wolf”.


This website, Help Prevent Disease, directs you to a page called “What IS Whooping Cough?” and “Whooping Cough FAQ’s” and there is an interesting little “test” you can take called True/False Challenge – just FIVE questions – it asks you about Whooping Cough, of course, and you end up getting educated, educated, educated.   And THAT’S the key to all health issues, safety issues, prevention issues – get EDUCATED!

Big BAD Cough – an important extra!

This seems a good time to also remind people about coughing and sneezing.   Please, please, please COVER it!   100% of the flying projections from your sneeze or cough can be contained by using a handkerchief or tissue.   100%.   Yes – ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.

Sneezing into your elbow?   SO LIMITED – lots of droplets still splay out many, many feet.   Check out my blog about SNEEZING.

If your sneeze sneaks up on you?   SNEEZE DOWN YOUR SHIRT!   I call it “keep it at home”.   You’re not spreading it to others.  You’re localizing into your shirt.   GOOD FOR YOU!  

sneeze down shirt

As always, Stay Safe, Learn More, GET TRAINED!

Best wishes!


Please SHARE this information with your network – THANK YOU!

Jean Lesmeister, 15 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor

American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)

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Sneezing advice is important to know – and share.

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Sneezing Advice

Of course, it’s normal to sneeze all year round, during every season.    However, in the fall of the year, we start thinking about the upcoming flu season.    Our own sneezing and people sneezing around us has a higher profile.   We’re sensitizing to the upcoming flu season.    Which is good!    Flu season IS coming!     Reminder ourselves of sneezing advice is a great idea.

Let’s stop spreading germs to each other.

Airborne Germs and Viruses

One way we get sick is by inhaling those germs and viruses from the air – called airborne contact.  Airborne contact is usually because someone has sneezed.     The person who spread the germs into the air may have not been very close to you when they sneezed.   They may have left their sneeze behind hours ago – but it’s still in the air for you to inhale, hours and hours later.

Another big germ spreader – our hands!   Everyone’s hands have picked up germs from some surface or other and as we touch this, touch that, we are busily spreading those germs about.    Common items that many people touch through a day:

  • a door knob
  • a computer mouse
  • a table top
  • a chair back
  • an elevator button
  • rest room stall locks

Sneezing advice – Wash Your Hands!

Stop and think – did you wash your hands before reaching for your lunch sandwich?   What IS on your hands?

Stop and think – did you wash your hands before you rubbed your eye?   did you lick your finger to turn the page in a book?


From Science Line –  Sneezing is basically ‘nature’s broom,’” says Dr. James Banks, an allergist and immunologist in private practice in Arnold, Md. “It is a way our bodies purge foreign matter that has invaded our noses.”

About sneezing…   Did you know you have a “sneeze center”?

From WebMD –  Neil Kao, MD, an allergy and asthma specialist at the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville, S.C. states, “Sneezes protect your body by clearing the nose of bacteria and viruses.  When something enters your nose or you encounter a trigger that sets off your “sneeze center” in your brain (located in the lower brain stem) signals are rapidly sent to tightly close your throat, eyes, and mouth. Next, your chest muscles vigorously contract, and then your throat muscles quickly relax.  As a result, air — along with saliva and mucus — is forced out of your mouth and nose.”

It is believed that a sneeze can come out of your body at 100 miles per hour.

Yes, 100 miles per hour – and drops of saliva can fly out 11 feet and more.

ABC news has made a 2-minute video showing sneezing advice and sneezing information that is great!   It’s called “What Is The Best Way to Sneeze?”    (may have a short commercial to skip, first)   This is GREAT sneezing advice!

Sneezing advice - use a tissue!

Sneezing advice – use a tissue!

You’ll find that YOUR MOM WAS RIGHTthe only way to 100% stop sneeze spray is a handkerchief or tissue.    Thanks, Mom!    Another great solution if the sneeze is coming NOW and you don’t have time – pull your shirt out and sneeze down inside your shirt.    Germs are stopped right there – none out into the community!    Good for you.


Jean Lesmeister, 15 year CPR & First Aid Instructor

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TV tip-over

TV tip-over like falling 10 stories?

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Injuries and accidents happen so VERY quickly.    Adults know a lot about safety and preventing injuries.   Adults have had decades and decades to accumulate experiences, warnings, education and more.   Even so, ADULTS get hurt all too often!    Just think of little kids – they have little or no idea of what can hurt them.   They could fall from that?   They could get burned on that?   That is very sharp?   That could fall on you?   (Like a TV tip-over!)   They just don’t know.

Thus, an injury or accident can occur.    Teaching First Aid and CPR and youth Babysitting CPR (age 11+) for these 15 years, I certainly am passionate about training for safety.   I am also the recipient of a tsunami of stories, over these years.    Students, young or old, will share in class family experiences, their own accident details, or something that happened to their friend…




Little kids climbing up on furniture to get to something they want can cause the furniture – and the TV on top of it – to fall over onto them.    Beyond serious injury, the TV tip-over can cause death.

From the website of Safe Kids Worldwide:

Because of its weight, a 36-inch CRT television falling three feet

creates the same momentum as a 1-year-old child falling 10 stories.

Safe Kids reports, regarding TV & furniture tip-overs:    22,200 children (ages 19 and under) are seen in emergency departments for injuries related to  furniture, appliance and TV tip-overs each year, on average.
IKEA Offers a Helping Hand
As a major furniture provider, IKEA includes free kits to attach furniture to a wall to help prevent child injury and death.     They sell massive amounts of chest of drawers, bookshelves, side tables and more.    This is wonderful that IKEA is committed to this safety issue.
IKEA offers an informational brochure called SECURE IT – Preventing Furniture and TV tip-over Accidents.   The brochure explains the need but also shows how to install a safe wall unit.
Prevent a TV tip-over and other furniture.    It’s always “better to be safe than sorry”.
Stay Safe – Get Trained!
Jean Lesmeister, 15 year CPR & First Aid Training JEANius
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