Alert clerk reaches baby as the mother collapses
It’s always about Recognizing an Emergency. Recognizing an Emergency is the first step, the bottom line, the moment that sets helping and first aid in motion. Because this clerk reaches baby in time, is alert, sees that there is an urgency, a possible emergency, she truly is a “first responder“!
A clerk in a Arvada, CO store noticed that a mother holding her baby was beginning to look unwell, to look glazed. Alert, kind and recognizing an emergency, the clerk reached to hold the baby even as the mother, indeed, collapsed.
This is a beautiful story of a woman offering help, another woman receiving help – as well as a baby! The clerk took action and kept the baby from possibly being injured when it appeared something was wrong with the mother. Without being pulled from the mother’s arms, the baby could have fallen to the floor, could have been injured, could have suffered a head injury – any number of things.
Recognize an Emergency – Clerk reaches baby
The Denver Post reported on this incident – read the article. Though it is a short article, that does not diminish how important this moment actually was. This moment was about the BIG THING – to Recognize an Emergency. Action can then follow…
When alert people recognize an emergency, the system can commence for care. 911 can be called. First aid can be commenced. Our excellent EMS (Emergency Medical Services) system kicks into gear – 911 call to Dispatch who relays everything to Responders – they’re on the way.
It is wonderful that there is even VIDEO of this experience! The clerk is alert, takes action – and immediately calls out for help, calls 911 – just as it should be.
In the 15 years of teaching CPR, Babysitting CPR (youth 11+), First Aid, the first part of the training is focused on the important element of Recognizing an Emergency. YOU can be the one who sees the problem and gets help on the way. While you may call for help for anyone in the community, it is still true that you are most likely to give care – and call for help – for someone you love, someone you spend a lot of your time with – family and friends!
Every story about people helping others, helping if someone is choking, is unwell, loses consciousness, is a beautiful thing. It inspires trainers like myself to, yes, keep training – and to urge everyone to GET trained! Stay safe.
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Jean Lesmeister, 15 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor
American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
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