Pictures of Newborns
There is a woman photographer, Fermont Fotografie, who takes pictures of newborns to show what they looked like snuggled up in the womb. That womb is certainly a very tiny “studio” apartment, isn’t it? Pretty close quarters… But amazingly safe and warm and always that SWEET sound of mommy’s heartbeat. Thuh THUMP Thuh THUMP You go, Mommy!
Newborns kick!
We know babies “kick” in the womb and the mother feels it… So, I’m really looking at this (I forgot to have kids). Babies in the womb don’t kick with their TOE (which all sports people do) – they kick with their HEEL? Who knew? (Well, your OB/GYN did…) Do you suppose they also punch out with their fist? Who knows?
Getting here…
I’m so glad for this little kid! This little newborn already went through the squeezing of the little cranium – OUCH! – and didn’t know why this hurting thing was happening as she/he passed down this SQUEEZED tube into the world. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze – and then: “Oh, NO – what are these terrible things burning my eyes called LIGHTS? Oh, good, I’m back with Mom, laying on her chest, listening to her heart – but I THINK I’m on the outside… not on the inside… What IS outside? ‘sup with THIS – what is this STUFF on me? That person just called it a blanket. DUDE! What is a BLANKET? It’s kind of rubbing my skin – I’m just about sure I don’t like it. I want to be naked. MOM! MOM! MOM!”
So did you know this about newborns?
- Newborns Have More Bones : When babies are born, they have 300 bones. Adults have 206. Bones fuse together during growth to come up with the new number.
- Newborns Have No Kneecaps : On birth, babies do not have kneecaps. Rather they have a structure of cartilage that resembles kneecaps. They usually don’t develop them fully until after six months. Most seen on babies who “army crawl” instead of doing it on all fours.
- Newborns are seriously sleepy: Newborns will only really be alert for around three minutes in every hour during the day, and even less at night.
Stay tuned for more – I’m finding information about infants and toddlers, next!
Jean Lesmeister, Instructor