18 Quick Tips for Quality Time while Babysitting
When I teach my Babysitting class for youth ages 11+, I urge them to use their creativity while babysitting. I talk about quality time while babysitting so that the children enjoy themselves – versus time watching television or computer games. Quality time while babysitting is wonderful and helps children develop and be happy – television and computer games is a waste of a beautiful little mind.
Sometimes my students feel stumped about what to do while babysitting when the children DO say, “Let’s watch TV!” and “Let’s play computer games!” They know what I’ve told them about how invaluable reading to kids is, and how valuable getting little kids to talk and answer questions is. To dissuade the kids from TV, I realized my students could benefit from a Quick Tip list of things to do with the children; things the babysitter may have forgotten from their own younger years.
I hope you’ll look at my .pdf list – and print it out – 18 Quick Tips for Quality Time While Babysitting. Hopefully, this list of quality time while babysitting will spark more and more fun ideas! These young babysitters are SMART and CREATIVE!
My 18 Quick Tips covers thing to TEACH, things to BUILD, things that ENTERTAIN – and more. Teach the child how to do a jumping jack!
I also remind my students that if they engage in quality time while babysitting, the little children will REQUEST them when a babysitter is needed! That’s very important to them – they want to be a babysitter, their entrepreneurial venture! They are excited to make money providing just what the parents want – my students are a) kind and b) trained. Yee ha!
Next Babysitting CPR classes coming up – Denver, CO:
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Jean Lesmeister, 15 year Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor
American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
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