Four to a Chair
During my 17 years of teaching youth Babysitting CPR (age 11+), I have always stressed NOT turning on anything electronic as the best choice while babysitting. QUALITY time with the children is about what all specialists advise – READING to them, PLAYING with them, and TALKING to them. And Four to a Chair can help babysitters – and parents – do all three!
Reading to children soothes their emotions, sparks their imaginations and develops vocabulary, social skills and even brain development. SO, tuck them close and read to them!
Awesome grandfather Hal Taylor creates fantastic chairs that seat FOUR. That’s right – Four to a Chair!
The Storytime Rocking Chair!
Check out Hal Taylor’s website about his creating these wonderful Storytime Rocking Chairs. They are of the highest quality, crafted by a master carpenter, to be sure. They are, yes, pricey. It would be wonderful if more and more people purchased these works of art – but the IDEA of sitting close like this (however you devise it), is definitely reinforced by Hal Taylor’s choice to make this chair so that he could spend quality time with his grandchildren – ALL of them!
Whether to purchase one of Hal’s chairs, or devise something of your own, a Storytime Rocking Chair is something babysitters would do well to create. I urge babysitters to enjoy making living room blanket “forts” to enjoy with the children. Perhaps they might devise their own Storytime Rocking Chairs, too?
This rocking chair helps babysitters – and parents – READ to children!
I have crafted a video (on my website) about the benefits of reading to kids which is compiled from lots of experts on the subject. I recall my childhood years were about playing outdoors all the time, helping our parents with household jobs, talking to each other, reading – lots of watching TV and video games didn’t exist! So, I urge my babysitting students to get back to little kids’ sweet desire to talk and share and explain and instruct you and tell and talk and share and explain and question and talk…. you get the picture…
I love the idea of putting a puppet on your hand and start asking the children questions so they can TALK. “Would you rather hold a baby duckling or a baby turtle?”, for instance. Babysitters, ask children questions, encourage them to talk, ask them about their feelings.
Hal Taylor, chair maker extraordinaire!
EasyCPR-Denver.com visit my site for the list of upcoming classes
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Jean Lesmeister, 17 year youth Babysitting CPR, Adult CPR & First Aid Instructor
American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI)
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